A little about me
I worked in marketing and communications. For 18 years I ran my own agency, then I went client side running brand and marketing teams. Now I spend as much time as possible sitting, waiting for wildlife to photograph.
I never thought I could sit still long enough to wait for the brief moment when a bird or an animal might show itself. I never thought I could cope with not getting a result each and every time I applied myself. I never thought that a few hours between emails could ever be anything other than a reason to worry… but wildlife photography has taught me to be patient, persistent, and absorbed in the moment. I am very glad I found wildlife photography, and very grateful for the time to pursue it.
If I am not out with my camera then you will find me watching cricket.
This image is not recent… but it is me, dressed for the Australian bush, wooly hat and all.
All my shots are of wild animals and birds.
My kit
I started in wildlife photography using mirrorless cameras - first Olympus and now Sony. My current set up is:
Sony A1ii
Sony A1
Sony FE 600mm
Sony FE 100-400mm
Sony FE 24-105mm
Sony FE 24mm
Sony 1.4x Teleconverter
Get in touch.
If you want to see more of my photography then please follow my Instagram posts - there is a link in the navigation.
If you’d like to make contact then please pop your name and email in this form and send it on over.
If you are a registered wildlife charity and want to use an image, then get in touch with the details - I will be happy to send a high res file without watermark for your use in exchange for photo credit in any publication where you use it.
If you have enjoyed my website then please follow my Instagram and VERO posts too. I really enjoy the conversations that are sparked off posts - the ‘social’ bit.